Session News in a Nutshell

Session News in a Nutshell - September 2024

Session met in a stated meeting on Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The following business was transacted:

● Session approved a motion from the Personnel Committee outlining the terms of Rev.
Lang’s sabbatical which is planned for mid-2025. This now goes to the Commission on
ministry of the Presbytery of New Hope for their final approval.
● Connection Sunday will be Sunday, September 8. Following worship there will be a light
lunch and ministry fair to highlight all of the ways to connect with the vibrant life of the
congregation. All attendees will receive a sticker with our updated CPC logo and a
handout highlighting CPC events for the fall.
● Session celebrated the recent births of grandchildren for elders Hal Drumheller and
Boyce Oglesby.